Michael Tait discusses the role of the chairman in setting the board meeting agenda

As the leader of a company’s board of directors, the chairman plays a critical role in setting the agenda for board meetings and ensuring that they are productive and efficient. A well-structured agenda can help the board to make important decisions, stay on track, and focus on the most pressing issues facing the company. Here are some key steps a chairman can take to set a good agenda for board meetings:

1. Identify key priorities:
The first step in setting a good agenda is to identify the key priorities and issues facing the company. This may involve reviewing financial reports, considering the strategic goals of the company, and seeking input from other board members and senior management.

2. Allocate time effectively:
It is important for the chairman to allocate time effectively and to prioritize items on the agenda based on their importance and urgency. This may involve grouping related items together, or giving priority to items that require immediate attention.

3. Involve all board members:
The chairman should involve all board members in the process of setting the agenda, and should encourage them to provide input and suggestions. This can help to ensure that all perspectives are considered and that the agenda reflects the needs and priorities of the entire board.

4. Plan for efficient meetings:
A good agenda should be structured in a way that allows for efficient meetings, with adequate time allocated for discussion, decision-making, and follow-up. The chairman should also plan for adequate breaks, and should ensure that there are clear start and end times for each item on the agenda.

5. Provide clear objectives and outcomes:
For each item on the agenda, the chairman should provide clear objectives and outcomes, and should outline the desired outcome and the steps needed to achieve it. This can help to focus the discussion and ensure that the board is able to make decisions in a timely and effective manner.

6. Regularly review and update the agenda:
Finally, the chairman should regularly review and update the agenda, taking into account feedback from board members and changes in the company’s priorities and circumstances. This can help to ensure that the agenda remains relevant and up-to-date, and that the board is able to focus on the most pressing issues facing the company.

In conclusion, setting a good agenda for board meetings is an important part of a chairman’s role. By identifying key priorities, allocating time effectively, involving all board members, planning for efficient meetings, providing clear objectives and outcomes, and regularly reviewing and updating the agenda, a chairman can help to ensure that board meetings are productive, efficient, and focused on the most pressing issues facing the company.



How to draft a board meeting agenda