The Chairman and CEO relationship is critical to the success of the organisation. The chairman, as the leader of the board of directors, is responsible for overseeing the management and strategy of the company. The CEO is responsible for implementing those strategies and leading the day-to-day operations. Maintaining a good working relationship between the chairman and the CEO is essential to ensure that the company is able to achieve its goals and succeed in the long-term.

1. Clearly define roles and responsibilities:
It is important that the roles and responsibilities of both the chairman and the CEO are clearly defined and understood by both parties. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that each person is able to focus on their specific responsibilities. The chairman should also make sure that the CEO understands the role of the board and the importance of their relationship with the board.

2. Communicate regularly and openly:
Regular and open communication between the chairman and the CEO is essential for a healthy working relationship. The chairman should make an effort to meet with the CEO regularly and keep them informed of any important developments or changes within the company. The CEO should also be encouraged to bring any concerns or questions to the chairman in a timely and open manner.

3. Foster trust and respect:
Trust and respect are essential components of any successful relationship, and the relationship between the chairman and the CEO is no exception. The chairman should work to build trust with the CEO by being transparent, honest, and consistent in their dealings with them. The CEO should also be encouraged to treat the chairman with respect and professionalism, and to understand the importance of maintaining a positive relationship with the board.

4. Support each other:
The chairman and the CEO should work together to support each other and the company as a whole. This means being open to each other’s ideas, collaborating on strategies and initiatives, and working together to overcome any challenges that arise. By supporting each other, the chairman and the CEO can help to ensure that the company is able to achieve its goals and succeed in the long-term.

5. Respect each other’s expertise:
The chairman and the CEO each bring their own unique skills and expertise to the table, and it is important that they respect each other’s areas of expertise. The chairman should be mindful of the CEO’s expertise in leading the day-to-day operations of the company, while the CEO should respect the chairman’s expertise in overseeing the board and strategy of the company. By respecting each other’s expertise, the chairman and the CEO can work together more effectively and achieve better outcomes for the company.

6. Continuously evaluate and improve the relationship:
The relationship between the chairman and the CEO should be continuously evaluated and improved. This can be done through regular check-ins, open communication, and a willingness to address any issues or concerns that may arise. By continuously evaluating and improving the relationship, the chairman and the CEO can ensure that their working relationship remains strong and supportive, even as the company evolves and faces new challenges.

In conclusion, the relationship between the chairman and the CEO is critical to the success of a company. By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, communicating regularly and openly, fostering trust and respect, supporting each other, respecting each other’s expertise, and continuously evaluating and improving the relationship, the chairman and the CEO can maintain a good working relationship that supports the long-term success of the company.



Chairman CEO Relationship – Spencer Stuart