Promoting fitness in the workplace is important for the overall well-being of employees and can have numerous benefits, including increased productivity, improved morale, and reduced healthcare costs.

Michael Tait suggests some strategies to promote fitness in the workplace:


Provide Access to Exercise Facilities

Consider providing on-site fitness facilities or subsidising gym memberships for employees. This encourages regular exercise and makes it more convenient for employees to engage in physical activity.

Organise Fitness Challenges and Programmes

Create fitness challenges or programmes that encourage employees to participate and stay active. This could include step challenges, team sports activities, group fitness classes, or lunchtime walking clubs. Offer incentives and rewards to motivate participation and maintain interest.

Encourage Active Commuting

Encourage employees to use active modes of transportation for commuting, such as walking, cycling, or using public transportation. Provide bike racks, shower facilities, or other amenities that support active commuting.

Ergonomic Workstations

Ensure that workstations are designed ergonomically to promote good posture and physical comfort. Provide adjustable desks, standing workstations, or stability balls to encourage movement and reduce sedentary behaviour.

Breaks for Movement

Encourage regular movement breaks throughout the workday. Remind employees to stretch, take short walks, or do quick exercises at their desks. This helps break up prolonged sitting and refreshes both the mind and body.

Wellness Programmes

Implement comprehensive wellness programmes that encompass physical fitness, nutrition, stress management, and overall well-being. Offer workshops, seminars, or webinars on topics like healthy eating, stress reduction techniques, or mindfulness exercises.

Supportive Policies

Establish policies that support a healthy and active work environment. This can include flexible scheduling for exercise, allowing employees to take longer lunch breaks for physical activity, or promoting a culture that values and encourages fitness.

Healthy Food Options

Ensure that healthy food options are available in cafeterias or vending machines. Offer nutritious snacks, fruits, and vegetables as alternatives to sugary or processed foods. Consider providing access to clean drinking water and hydration stations.

Wellness Challenges and Incentives

Launch wellness challenges that focus on specific health goals, such as weight loss, steps walked, or healthy eating. Provide incentives like gift cards, fitness trackers, or additional time off for achieving targets.

Lead by Example

Management and leaders should actively participate in fitness initiatives and serve as role models for employees. When leaders prioritise their own health and wellness, it encourages employees to do the same.

Educate and Raise Awareness

Provide educational resources, newsletters, or workshops that educate employees about the importance of fitness and its benefits. Raise awareness about various exercise options, techniques, and ways to incorporate physical activity into daily routines.

It is important to tailor fitness initiatives to the specific needs and preferences of your workforce. Involve employees in the planning process, seek their feedback, and continuously evaluate and adapt your programs to ensure their effectiveness and engagement.

Talk to your HR Director to suggest fitness in the workplace programmes THE ROLE OF THE HR DIRECTOR


Consider engaging an expert in FITNESS IN THE WORKPLACE





Andrew Tait is a leading athlete and expert in physical fitness in the workplace. He designs fitness and well-being programmes and coaches and monitors progress. Andrew can be contacted here: Andrew Tait – leading expert in workplace fitness and wellness programmes