Michael Tait sets out advice on how the chairman can build a healthy corporate culture.

The role of the chairman in building a healthy culture in a company is critical to its success.
A healthy corporate culture promotes employee engagement. Furthermore, it promotes productivity and overall well-being, This in turn leads to better business outcomes. The chairman, as the leader of the board, has a unique opportunity to influence and shape the culture of the organisation.

Here are some ways by which the chairman can foster a health culture in the company:

1. Lead by example:
The chairman sets the tone for the entire organization, and it is essential that they lead by example. This means being mindful of their own behaviour and making sure it aligns with the values and principles that they are trying to promote. For example, if they are trying to promote an open and transparent culture, they should be open and transparent in their own communication and decision-making.

2. Clearly communicate the company’s values and mission:
The chairman should communicate the company’s values and mission clearly and consistently. This helps to ensure that all employees understand what the company stands for and what is expected of them. It is important that these values are reflected in all aspects of the company, including its policies, procedures, and day-to-day operations.

3. Encourage employee engagement: A healthy company culture is built through the active engagement of all employees. The chairman should encourage employee engagement and provide opportunities for employees to provide input and feedback. This can be done through regular staff meetings, employee surveys, or other forms of communication. By listening to employee feedback, the chairman can help to identify areas for improvement and take steps to address them.

4. Foster a positive and supportive work environment:
The chairman should work to create a positive and supportive work environment. This can be done by promoting respect and inclusiveness, recognising and rewarding good work, and addressing any issues or conflicts in a constructive manner. A positive work environment helps to promote employee satisfaction, engagement, and well-being, which in turn leads to better business outcomes.

5. Promote professional development and growth:
The chairman should promote professional development and growth opportunities for employees. This can be done by providing training and development programmes, mentorship opportunities, or other initiatives that help employees to grow and develop both personally and professionally. By investing in the development of its employees, the company can build a strong and talented workforce, which is essential for its long-term success.

6. Evaluate and continuously improve the culture:
The chairman should regularly evaluate the company culture and take steps to continuously improve it. This can be done through regular employee surveys, focus groups, or other methods of gathering feedback. By regularly assessing the culture and taking steps to address any issues, the chairman can ensure that the culture remains healthy and supportive over time.

In conclusion, the role of the chairman in building a healthy culture in a company is critical to its success. By leading by example, communicating the company’s values and mission, encouraging employee engagement, fostering a positive and supportive work environment, promoting professional development and growth, and continuously evaluating and improving the culture, the chairman can help to build a culture that promotes employee well-being, engagement, and productivity, and supports the long-term success of the organisation.

Investopedia on Corporate Culture

Havard Business Review – The Leader’s Guide to Corporate Culture